Game of Thrones and Titanic adventures in Belfast

In November 2022, me and my dad went to Belfast for the Game of Thrones Studio Tour, we also spent the night so that we could do some sightseeing the next day aswell.

If you’ve been to the Harry Potter Studio Tour, the Game of Thrones one is the same kinda of style. You can see lots of locations and sets where they filmed and lots of the props and costumes.

It was really fun to see everything in real life but the thing that surprised us the most was that the place was so empty! We saw 2 or 3 people there the whole time, the sound stages are so big aswell that most of the time it felt like we had the place to ourselves. We spoke to a guy who works there and he was saying that not people have been visiting after the last season. It seems like all the hardcore fans just went when it first open. I’ve been to the Harry Potter quite a few times because they’re always adding new sets and exhibitions so maybe they need to do that aswell. We were definitely enjoying how there were no crowds tho.

So empty!

This was my favourite area of the tour, it was so impressive! Apart from the Iron Throne of course.

There’s so much more to see and it’s definitely worth the trip!

In the evening after the tour, we went for a walk through some Belfast to get some food, and then we ended the night with some Guinness and whiskey.

We rented a car while we were there so the next day, we got up nice and early and drove down to the coast. There’s some nice walks there and you can also visit Ballintoy Harbour, which is what they used for the Iron Islands in Game of Thrones. It was completely free to explore aswell.

Just make sure to wrap up warm, we went in November so it was especially cold! It’s worth the visit though.

The last Game of Thrones site we went to see was the Dark Hedges, they used it for the kings road, the trees grow in a way that they curve up over the road and it makes look really spooky!

In the afternoon, we had enough time to go and visit the Titanic Museum in town.

It tells the whole story from of the building of the Titanic to everything leading up to what happened and everything that happened after. It has lots of models and replicas of how it would of looked inside.

It also had lots of real items that were preserved, like menu’s, the original tickets and items that belonged to some of the passengers.

The museum itself is really big, it’s got a few different floors to explore. There’s also a small ride at one point that takes you through a mine and you can hear the real voices of the people who worked on the Titanic, talking about their experiences and what the working conditions were like. It’s really sad of course but it’s absolutely worth the visit. As someone who loves museums, this is one of the best ones I’ve been to.

Game of Thrones Studio Tour: website

Titanic Museum: website

Thank you for reading/watching. I hope you enjoyed it!


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